Thứ hai, 29/02/2016 - 10:48

FFL family had a great start for the new year of Monkey

Visiting pagodas on the first days of the year has long been a deep-rooted tradition in Vietnam. Together with the festive atmosphere Tet brings to our country, the lecturers and staff of Faculty of Foreign Languages (FFL), Academy of Finance (AOF) visited Thượng Temple (worshipping Saint of Tản Viên Mountain) and burned some incenses to wish for happiness and healthiness to come to their families as well as for prosperity and success to come to AOF in general and FFL lecturers, staff and students in specific.

Here are some pictures from the trip:

Also in line with new year events, the Management Board of FFL organized a new year – welcome meeting on February 22, 2016 in Hall 101 with the participation of all lecturers and staff of FFL. With the pink of Peach blossoms, the red of lucky money covers, the deep brown of wine and the warmest color of hugs, Ms. Phạm Thị Lan Phương, the Dean and other members of FFL toasted and gave best wishes to each other. Ms. Phương noticed that 2016 was a special year as it was the preparation year for the 10-year anniversary of FFL in 2017 and also a year when many regulations on foreign language teaching and learning would come to practice.  She hoped in the year to come, FFL would gain big success and better reputations in education and training.


Sharing the special moments with FFL, Assoc. Prof., PhD. Trương Thị Thủy, Deputy Director of AOF attended the meeting and wished the best things to FFL lecturers, staff and students. She believed that the faculty would reach a new level of development and meet the expectation of the Board of Directors of AOF. The meeting ended in claps, laughes and promises from FFL lecturers and staff to spend 100% try and effort to bring FFL into a new prosperous year. 

Bui Mai

Some more pictures:



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