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Phát hành tài liệu
Thứ tư, 29/05/2024 - 8:11

Professionalism in finance and accounting translation and interpreting Textbook (XB năm 2023)

This textbook has been 1 year in writing. It is not conventional textbook, as it comprises of two main parts:

Part I: Concepts (whickis more or less an extended recap of what has already been deliveredl in the previous modules of the curriculum),

Part II: Practice (which is more related to Translation and Interpretation Practice in classroom settings or in home - learning settings for a professional interpreter and translator).

This textbook is designed for an advanced level of education with 2 credits as minimum time allowance, after students complete 12 credits of interpretation and translation practice courses. The Professionalism in Finance and Accounting Translation and Interpreting Textbook is expected to be useful for English majoring year 4 students, and indeed, for the future professional translator and interpreter. We hope you read and use this book in conjunction with other translation textbooks, and especially with the already published book by the FFL of AOF 'Translation Practice' (2019), 'Interpretation Practice' (2017), and 'Translation Coursebook: From Concepts Practice' (2020).

This book is written by lecturers and practitioners of translation and interpretation: Pham Thi Lan Phuong (Author), Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang (Co-Author), Bui Thi Tuyet Mai, and with great support of other lecturers of Division of Language Theories and Translation (LTTD) of FFL: Cao Phuong Thao, Pham Phuong Oanh, Dao Thi Oanh, Doan Thi Thuy, and Nguyen Thi Lan Anh.

We hope to expand this textbook further, and we would welcome suggestions for its improvements.

Cuốn sách có bán tại các cơ sở:

Nhà sách HVTC - tầng 1 - Nhà Thư viện, Học viện Tài chính, số 58 Lê Văn Hiến, Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội, ĐT liên hệ: Cô Chi (0985.935.568)

Nhà sách HVTC - tầng 1 - Nhà D, Học viện Tài chính, số 69 Đức Thắng, Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội, ĐT liên hệ: Cô Hương (0867.715.020)

Số lần đọc: 186
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Địa chỉ: Học viện Tài chính, Phường Đức Thắng, Quận Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội
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