Thứ ba, 19/01/2016 - 23:40

There are ways to improve reading comprehension and vocabulary, and one way is to regularly read newspapers in English. With the popularity of Internet in Vietnam you can easily access websites in English to read news and learn English.

Here are 10 websites of English newspapers which have the most number of prints in the world:

1. The Sun, Britain (www.thesun.co.uk): News about showbiz, actors, celebrities, sports, racing, national and world news.  

2. USA Today, USA (www.usatoday.com): News updates related to US and international, weather forecasts, entertainment, finance, and other content.

3. The Daily Mail, UK (www.dailymail.co.uk): Latest news, sport, showbiz, science and health.

4. The Mirror, England (www.mirror.co.uk): News, commentary, sports and talk around famous people.

5. Times of India, India (timesofindia.indiatimes.com): Political News, Indian diplomats and world, sport, business, news about Bollywood.

6. Wall Street Journal, USA (online.wsj.com): Hot news about America and the world, the story highlights and analysis.

7. New York Times, USA (www.nytimes.com): News, comments, views of Washington, business, sports, movies, travel, jobs, education, real estate, vehicles...

8. The Daily Telegraph, Britain (www.telegraph.co.uk): News, commenting on the business, sports, culture and lifestyle.

9. Daily Express, England (www.express.co.uk): Hot news, sports, photos, showbiz...

10. Los Angeles Times, USA (www.latimes.com): News from Southern California, fun, entertainment, movies, television, music, politics, business, health, technology, tourism.

Hopefully, these websites will help you to learn and understand more about English world.

Thanh Huyen


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