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Phát hành tài liệu
Thứ tư, 29/05/2024 - 8:13

Business Technology and finance 2 (XB năm 2023)

The explosion of digital technology and the rapid development of applications are reshaping the world. We are privileged to live in an era of smart devices and robust technologies. Discoveries provide us with incredible innovations making our lives easier, faster and more convenient. Technological power also changes the way of doing business. Data, a new type of resource in the digital age, has become a critical factor for the sustainable competitive advantages of all enterprises. Decision-making is driven by patterns from data analysis instead of the gut feeling of managers. Technology advancement allows disruptive business models to compete successfully with incumbent ones. The dominance of Fintech companies in the financial services industry is a typical example.

Businesses are on the verge of a technological boom. Surviving and being successful in such a new era is challenging for all, both managers and employees. This situation inspires us to complete the textbook "Business, Technology and Finance 2." With Business, Technology and Finance 1, we attempt to give readers a comprehensive understanding of three pillars of decision-making in a fast-changing and volatile world: Business, Technology, and Finance. This textbook is based on the Study Manual for the module Business, Technology and Finance (2020), one of six modules in ICAEW CFAB. Part 2 consists of 8 chapters, from chapter 7 to chapter 14, as in the source. However, we reorganize the sequence and combine some chapters to help readers/learners follow and acquire knowledge and skills quickly. Besides, we elaborate the content of each chapter with detailed explanations, illustrations and examples.

We divided this textbook into two sections. Section 1, consisting of two chapters, discusses the external factors affecting businesses. Chapter 1 is about the macroeconomic and microeconomic environment. Fundamentals of the market, such as Supply and Demand and fundamental indicators of macroeconomics, such as Gross Domestic Product, fiscal policy, state budget and economiccycle, are presentend in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 provides readers with an understanding of external regulations and technology development. This chapter discusses how to regulate a business in reality. The failure of the maket mechanism requires the government to intervenein the market through legal regulations. This chapter presents the general regulations first, then a closer look at regulations for accounting, financial services and corporate governance. Technology development is also examined in Chapter 2 since it is considered an external force.

In Section 2, we deeply dive into businesses' internal factors. This section consists of 5 chapters. The three first chapters in Section 2 specify the finance function in the changing world, how to finance a business and the importance of professionals. We elaborate on the roles and the new requirements for certified accountants and financial analysts. Chapter 6 is about Corporate governance and Ethics, which clarifies the definition of governance, the importance of corporate governance, and the structure of governance. This chapter also discusses the poor symptoms and the best practices of corporate governance. The next part of this chapter is about Ethics, a fundamental for sustainable development of any business. This chapter discusses two topics, Business Ethics and Ethics for Professional Accountants and Financial Analysts. Doing ethics business has became growing-concerned when ethical abuse scandals and environmental emergencies increase in the 1990s. Managers have to balance business goals and personal ethics when making business decisions. Thus, following ethics standards in business and professional careers is compulsory for the future development of anyenterprise.

This textbook is written with great attempts and vigorous efforts of our team, Ph.D. Dao Hong Nhung, Ph.D. Vu Duc Kien, and Ph.D. Tran Thanh Thu. The contribution of each member is as follows:

Ph.D. Dao Hong Nhung, the first co-author, is responsible for making the textbook flow and wrote Chapter 6 – Corporate Governance and Ethics.

Ph.D. Vu Duc Kien, the second co-author, is responsible for writing Chapter 3 - Finance Function; Chapter 4 - Finance a Business; Chapter 5 - The professional accountants and financial analysts.

Ph.D. Tran Thanh Thu is responsible for making the structure of the textbook, writing Chapter 1 - The economic environment; Chapter 2 - The external regulation and technology development; Chapter 6 - Corporate governance and Ethics and editing other chapters.

This textbook will equip the students, learners, and readers with up-to-date knowledge and skills in diverse topics in business finance, corporate governance, ethics, and economics. Accountancy professionals and financial analysts in the digital age must have sufficient competencies to catch up with the rapid movement of the global economy, with technology skills and ethics at heart. This textbook will support the students' studies and future careers and help them be adaptable and agile in their professional careers.

Cuốn sách có bán tại các cơ sở:

Nhà sách HVTC - tầng 1 - Nhà Thư viện, Học viện Tài chính, số 58 Lê Văn Hiến, Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội, ĐT liên hệ: Cô Chi (0985.935.568)

Nhà sách HVTC - tầng 1 - Nhà D, Học viện Tài chính, số 69 Đức Thắng, Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội, ĐT liên hệ: Cô Hương (0867.715.020)

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