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Phát hành tài liệu
Thứ hai, 17/06/2024 - 14:22

Advanced Audit of financial statements 2 (XB năm 2022)

In recent years, the audit of financial statements of external auditors is becoming more and more developing, which has affirmed their role and position in the economy. For students majoring in Auditing of Advanced Education Program, Financial Statements Auditing is one of the important subjects. Therefore, the Auditing Department Accounting Faculty- Academy of Finance has compiled the original lecture entitled "Advanced Audit of Financial Statements 2" immediately after the publication the original lecture"Advanced Audit of Financial Statements 1" in order to train and provide high-quality human resources and help students apply their knowledge into practice.

The original lecture "Advanced Audit of Financial Statements 2" includes 5 main chapters as follows:

- Chapter 1: Auditing non-current assets (including: tangible non-current assets, intangible non-current assets and investment property)

- Chapter 2: Auditing cash and cash equivalent

- Chapter 3: Auditing capital acquisition and repayment

- Chapter 4: Auditing investment cycle

- Chapter 5: Auditing other financial information (including: selling expenses, administrative expenses, finance incomeand expenses, other income and expenses).

Cuốn sách có bán tại các cơ sở:

Nhà sách HVTC - tầng 1 - Nhà Thư viện, Học viện Tài chính, số 58 Lê Văn Hiến, Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội, ĐT liên hệ: Cô Chi (0985.935.568)

Nhà sách HVTC - tầng 1 - Nhà D, Học viện Tài chính, số 69 Đức Thắng, Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội, ĐT liên hệ: Cô Hương (0867.715.020)

Số lần đọc: 47
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