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Phát hành tài liệu
Thứ sáu, 28/06/2024 - 15:15

Financial Market (XB năm 2020)

The financial market was born and developed along with the process of developing a market economy nationally and internationally. It is a market provide capital for the development of the economy and society and promote the capital exchange in the society. The Financial Market is a specialized foundation module taught in English for students of the Advanced program and other programs at the Academy of Finance. Therefore, for the purpose of researching, teaching and learning of lecturers and students on the Financial Market module, the Academy of Finance has assigned the Department of Financial Investment to organize the compilation of book "Financial Market" in English.

The content of "Financial Market" includes 5 chapters, ensuring the logic and science of the entire subject.

The book Financial Market in English are collective works by Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen Le Cuong, Head of Department of Financial Investment and MSc. Vu Thi Thuy Nga, Lecturer of Department of Financial Investment - Academy of Finance, who are the chief authors.

The content of the curriculum is compiled by the following members:

- Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Le Cuong, Head of Department of Financial Investment, participated in writing chapters 2 and 6:

- MSc. Vu Thi Thuy Nga, lecturer of the Department of Financial Investment, participated in writing chapters 3 and 4;

- Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hoang Van Quynh and Dr. Cao Minh Tiến, lecturer of the Department of Financial Investment wrote chapter 1;

- MSc. Le Thi Hang Ngan, Lecturer of Department of Financial Investment participated in writing chapter 3:

- Dr. Hoang Thi Bich Ha, lecturer of Department of Financial Investment, participated in writing chapter 4 and 5;

- Dr. Nguyen Thu Giang, lecturer of Department of Foreign Language, participated in writing chapter 5;

- MSc. Pham Huong Tra, lecturer of Department of Finance,participated in writing chapters 5 and 6.

During the compilation process, the authors tried their best to convey the basic and modern knowledge to get a quality curriculum. However, because the financial market is a diverse and complex field, it is difficult for authors to compile them without certain mistakes. The author's team is looking forward to receiving valuable comments from scientists and readers to improve the curriculum.

Cuốn sách có bán tại các cơ sở:

Nhà sách HVTC - tầng 1 - Nhà Thư viện, Học viện Tài chính, số 58 Lê Văn Hiến, Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội, ĐT liên hệ: Cô Chi (0985.935.568)

Nhà sách HVTC - tầng 1 - Nhà D, Học viện Tài chính, số 69 Đức Thắng, Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội, ĐT liên hệ: Cô Hương (0867.715.020)

Số lần đọc: 11
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Địa chỉ: Học viện Tài chính, Phường Đức Thắng, Quận Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội
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