Wednesday, October 13, 2021 16:13

Exchange Program: AOF’s Lecturer exchange activities in the next years
Some contents of the exchange of lecturers from the Academy of Finance with international education partners are built-up to implement in the near future.

1. International research and publication cooperation

  • Objects: Lecturers and researchers at the Academy of Finance
  • Purpose: cooperate to have prestigious reseach works for international publication: Books, chapters Articles, Proceeding, etc...
  • Language: English

2. Co-organizing/co-attending international seminars and conferences

  • Objects: Lecturers, Researchers at Academy of Finance
  • Time: Agreed between the two sides
  • Purpose: Professional exchange, etc...
  • Language: English

3. Attend subject teaching: Visting lecturers/ guest lectures...

  • Object: Specialized lecturers
  • Time: Agreed between the two sides
  • Purpose: Exchange lecturers to participate in teaching subjects between the two Universities
  • Language: English


Source: International Collaboration Department

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