Monday, August 8, 2016 01:16

VietinBank proceeding concentrated recruitment - the 2nd phase 2016 (TDCN-T07.2016)
VietinBank is the leader bank in Vietnam with the largest registered capital and assets, leading growth and profit among other banks. VietinBank now has 149 local branches, 02 in Germany and an affiliate in Laos. The bank also has impressive achievements to stand in Top 2000 largest firms worldwide in 5 years consecutively, the brand now values at 249 mil. USD.

Currently, VietinBank proceeding recruitment campaign for 2nd 2016 to cover their human resource needs in 88 branches locally:

I. Recruitment size

  • The number of recruits: 450 staffs for 88 branches in Vietnam;
  • Professionals: firm credit, retailer credit, firm appraisal, retailer appraisal, financial consultancy, accounting consultancy, computing, general consultancy. The details of recruitment plan can be reached here
  • Particularly, VietinBank now recruiting new managers at branches: retailing manager/vice manager, firm customer managers/vice manager, transaction manager/vice manager. The details of manager recruitment plan can be download here
  • Description of works at branches can be download here

II. Application

1. Proceeding time: since 21/7-10/8/2016

2. Forms of application: VietinBank uses online application via Recruitment Management Program Taleo. Applicants register account at the VietinBank's official website and follow:

  • For outsiders: Go to Apply menu to check information about vacancies and complete application procedure/or follow this link.
  • For insiders (VietinBank's staffs): please refer to instruction at this link

III. Requirements

1. For online application profiles via Taleo program

- Applicants must fully attach personal required files including:

  • Applicant's personal CV in VietinBank's format (download here)
  • Color scans of (notary not necessary) academic transcript, bachelor/master degree, other certificates (if any). Maximum files attaches are 5 with size no larger than 2MB/file.

- For fresh graduated applicants in 2016 who haven't been conferred degrees, applicants have to submit commitment form, transcript or temporary graduation certificate (download here)

2. For paper application profiles

After the 1st round exam, VietinBank will inform the results to applicants via SMS or email. For those who are qualified to the 2nd round, they must submit full paper application profiles including:

  • Individual profiles (with portrait photo, confirmation of competent authorities);
  • Applicants information in the VietinBank's format;
  • Notary copies of bachelor/master degree, academic transcript (degree/certificate conferred oversea must be translated and notarized);
  • Copies of language, informatics certificates or other related papers (if any);
  • For fresh applicants who just graduated in 2016, they must submit a commitment form and notary copies of academic transcript or temporary graduation certificate.

Hard copies of application profiles must be submit directly or via post to Administration Office of branches that have relevant vacancies no later than 03 days before 2nd round starts (according to marked date of post). Applicants should refer to the addresses of branches on the website: and go to network tab.

IV. Attention

  • VietinBank ONLY accepts applicants who have legible full-time bachelor degree (top-up and part-time degrees not accepted);
  • Application form deemed successful if applicants have completed all 7 steps of recruitment procedure on Taleo program and hit send tab. All the other incomplete application forms will be understood as draft application profiles;
  • VietinBank  ONLY accepts application form for ONLY one vacancy, any overlapped application form will be systematically rejected;
  • Recruitment schedule will be informed to applicants via SMS and email. Expected in July-September 2016;
  • Inquiries will be reached at Recruitment - Personnel Division, VietinBank's Head Quarter (email:, fanpage:\tuyendungvietinbank or branch administration offices;
  • Applicants must be fully responsible for the accuracy, honesty in their application profiles. In case of unfair information found, the recruitment result will be rejected.

Source: Political and Student Affairs Department

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