A double opportunity to study at AOF
You expect to enroll in a banking-finance bachelor program?
You want to study abroad with least study fee?
You are uncertain about your career after graduation?
A joint-degree bachelor program in finance – DPP is your answer
DPP is an international collaborative program between AOF (IIFE) and the University of Greenwich – UK, this course is customized to meet specific local student requirements.
DPP is an opportunity for you to study and coordinate in an international standard environment, this means a doubled opportunity to be conferred a double bachelor degree: B.A of Banking and Finance (AOF) and B.A of Accounting (UOG-UK).
The course is uniquely customize to enroll both students who have outstanding scores at high school and who are shortlisted by the High School National Exam results.
DPP is also customized to meet a wide-range of high quality study needs from students (and also the needs for study abroad) with least study fees but still cover experiencing modern and professional study environment that follows international academic standards. This course is specifically recognized by ACCA in the manner that students graduate from the course will be qualified for 9-module pass from F1-F9 in the global academic study framework of ACCA. Graduated students will be qualified to work globally with ACCA certification and international degree of UOG.
For further details about the course, please attend an Open day “A double opportunity to study at the AOF” host by Institute of International Financial Education (IIFE).
Time: 9h00 – 11h00, 9/7/2016
Location: Conference Hall G4 (4th Floor) – Academy of Finance – No. 8 Phan Huy Chu – Hoan Kiem – Hanoi
Hotline: Ms. Tra: 84-904-936636/Email: c.t.tra@iife.edu.vn
Ms. Huyen: 84-941-148968/Email: t.t.huyen@iife.edu.vn
Direct line: 84-945-039986/Email: b.d.nghieu@iife.edu.vn
Tel: 84-4-39336356/Email: infoF@gmail.com
Institute for International Financial Education (IIFE), AOF
Address: 3rd Floor, No.6 – Phan Huy Chu – Hoan Kiem – Hanoi

Students taking photo on occasion of IIFE’s anniversary
University of Greenwich at a glance
Source: Institute of International Financial Education - IIFE